Monday, August 10, 2015
Bingo! St. Anthony's

Sunday, August 9, 2015
Worship Materials at St. Anthony's
Annual Bishop's Fund Appeal - 2015
Each year we have the opportunity to appreciate and to understand the ministry that is done at the diocesan level for the benefit of all parishes. Sometimes, as a parish, we think that we can do everything ourselves. However, the ministries supported by the Bishop’s Fund at the diocesan level really support and provide assistance to what is accomplished at the parish level. As the graphic below says: we are “United in One Family."
Each year, each parish has two goals: a financial goal and a participation goal.
St. Patrick
- Financial Goal - $36,341
- Participation Goal - 165 donors
St. Anthony
- Financial Goal - $21,811
- Participation Goal - 190 donors
Thursday, August 6, 2015
The Reality of Finances
We never like speaking about money, but we, likewise, know that money is needed in life to make things happen. Parish life is no different. We have included on the webpage our latest financial reports for 2014-2015 for St. Patrick’s, St. Anthony’s, and Glenwood Cemetery. I thank you for your generosity in supporting your parishes and ministries. A close look at the financial reports will show the reality that our ordinary income is not meeting our ordinary expenses. I will report more on that in the future when I have had a chance to review carefully our financial status. In the meantime, I thank your for your ongoing financial support of the parishes.