In both parishes we are blessed to have many Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. We often call them Eucharistic Ministers or Lay Ministers of Holy Communion. No matter the title their ministry is priceless especially to the homebound, those in the hospital, and those in nursing homes. To be able to receive the body and blood of Christ when not able to go to church is a great blessing. In fact, the reservation of the Eucharist in tabernacles began in order to bring Holy Communion to those who could not come to the Eucharistic Assembly because of illness.
I would like to meet with all those who bring Holy Communion to those who are not able to come to Sunday Mass. The purpose of the meeting would be to:
1) provide direction on good procedures to follow
2) provide appropriate prayers and readings that could be used when visiting the sick and homebound
3) make sure that everyone has a proper pyx in order to carry out this ministry
4) make sure that in our parish records we have the names, addresses, and phone numbers of those receiving Holy Communion outside of the Sunday celebration.
5) allow participants the opportunity to ask any questions they may have.
The sessions will be held at:
9 am at St. Patrick's Chapel on September 22
6 pm at Msgr. Sechi Hall on September 22
Participants may attend either session. The contents of the sessions will be the same.
I look forward to seeing you then to help your with this most treasured ministry.
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